At our November Monthly Meeting we had our Annual General Meeting and Elections. Twenty two Members attended the dinner and three more came after the dinner. The Hermann Fischer Fly of the Month award was given to Richard Bailey for our Rod Building Casting Session. Members were allowed to cast fly rods that were wanting to build at our up coming Rod Building Sessions. It was a great session...Thanks Richard.
I would like to thank our Out Going Executive Carey Miggins (not in the picture), John Bowers, Wayne Deptuck, Gene Ebata, Al McLean & Gil Schiller.
Our new Executive is Len Piggin President, John Bowers Vice-President, Carey Miggins Treasurer/Membership, Directors are Gerry Bowers, Doug Scorrar, Dave Ouellette, Wayne Deptuck, Gil Schiller, Dave Luck & Neil Whitmore. Welcome.
Happenings are;
Rod Building sessions start November 15th,
Fly Tying 101/Method Session November 20th – Ice Fishing Flies,
Last Monthly Meeting of 2023 December 6th.
Tight lines. Len Piggin President
If you’re reading this and would like more information on our club please click on the About Us tab and complete the form.
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