Today was our first KFFA Stillwater fishout for 2024. Thirteen Members attended. My first Stillwater fishing day of 2024. Hot dogs for lunch, MMM. Thanks John Bowers for picking the supplies up and cooking the hot dogs. We talked about where we fished and how we did in the morning. Sheldon Guertin was at the inlet and did well so that’s where my boat went after lunch.
Prior to lunch I caught one on a black micro leech 6 ft. under the indicator and in 6 ft. of water. That was my only fish before lunch. I switched to my type one sinking line and a Princess Nymph and caught a small one right away that I released. Next cast a 3 lber nice and silver, a keeper. Third cast I missed a small one. I went quit awhile without anything then I put on Straggle Nymph that one of our Members spotted in my box at lunch time. I got a spawner…2 lber and that was it.
Other Members caught fish and I will update with more details once I know more.
Best action for me was around 1pm. It was cool when the wind gusted. Dressing warm is a must.
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