
Ruddick's Launch

This annoucement was made by Kathy Ruddick,

I am thrilled to announce that a Fund has been created in partnership with BC Parks in Malcolm’s name to repair and upgrade the NE boat launch at Roche LakeProvincial Park.

It will be named “Ruddick’s Launch” and tax-deductible donations can be made in the amount of $25 or more paid directly to the BC Parks.

Letter to Wholesale Sports regarding fly tying material

At the bottom is Aaron Bisson's (Manager Kamloops) response to letter as sent out by our Vice-President Tracy Murdoch. Our response is below.

Len Piggin President KFF

Morning Aaron,

Below is a listing of the Tread and Wire.

The comment that came back from the guys was “Can we do this for other items” such as;

Mustad Hooks, Tiemco Hooks (Gamakatsu Hooks are too expensive), Flashabou, Seal Fur (Imi seal fur) among other items.

We really appreciate your quick response. Len Piggin President KFF (I cc’d my Executive).