Thompson River Steelhead letter 2016 February 16 with petition

This is the email message that I sent with my email. I also sent an email to all BCFFF Member Clubs asking them to do the same.

Good morning All,

Attached is a letter dated 2016 February 16th from the Kamloops Fly Fishers (KFF) along with a petition signed by 35 Members at our regular monthly meeting on 2016 February 16th.

Please put this letter and attachment into your correspondence system.The original of the letter and petition will be forwarded to Mr. Hunter Tootoo. No other copies will be mailed.

At our meeting my Members recommended that I request a face to face meeting with you. I would be glad to meet with you either in Ottawa or Vancouver. Please let me know your availability in this regard. I believe this is the only way that I can ensure that you take us seriously.

Thank you and tight lines.

Leonard Piggin

President KFF