
Paul Lake Boat Launch Members documents

The documents attached to this article are for Members to complete. Please send in forthwith as time is of the sessence. Leonard Piggin

NOTE: The third document is a form that Members can use to complete their own complaint.

Paul Lake Boat Launch Human Rights Complaint

Our membership unanimously approved filing the complaint at our 2019 March 26th monthly meeting.

Letter to the Prime Minister & Liberal Cabinet

The email below was sent to the Prime Minister and Liberal Cabinet. A copy of the covering email is below. The color unsigned letter is attached but it was signed and emailed on December 12th.

Tight lines. Leonard Piggin Steelhead Committee Member

Good evening The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Prime Minister and All Liberal Cabinet Ministers (Governor In Council).

Attached is my letter on behalf of the Kamloops Fly Fishers (KFF) Steelhead Committee.

SFAB May 17 notes from Sandy MacDonald

Folks. This will be my last report until the fall.Hopefully after we have a successful sockeye fishery.

Speaking of sockeye….In port Alberni and the Skeena system ,a major sockeye collapse is forecast.
We expect at least 3-5 million to enter the Fraser system which would be large enough to provide a recreational fishery in the lower Fraser and Thompson Rivers.

CHINOOK are a different story! The Skeena system is closed to all salmon fishing this year unless an unexpected sockeye return happens ,but there will be no chinook fishery in the Skeena or Nass this year.

TRS letter regarding DFO proposed 2018 Fisheries Management Measures to support TRS

The information is the email that was sent with our letter and supporting documentation. Leonard Piggin

Hi All,

It’s game seven 3rd period tie game of the Stanley Cup Championship, last rock in the 10th end or game 7 bottom of the 9th inning whichever you prefer. We have very little time left to turn around extirpation of IFRS. Keep reading because each of you has something to do.


Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change;

Letter to Federal Liberal Cabinet Ministers

First of all this letter will not be mailed so please ensure that it gets into your correspondence system.

The attacheded letter and supporting documents were sent to ALL Liberal Cabinet Ministers as they are the ones who make the decistion whether to list or not list TRS as an Endangered Species. This is the email that forwarded the letter.

Hi All Liberal Cabinet Ministers,

I ask that you please take some time to actually read this letter and the documents & pictures attached to it. Please don’t pass on to your Deputies and Assistance.
